50 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

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Want to know when you are ovulating? Increase your chances of falling pregnant? Use Fertility2Family Australian Midstream Ovulation Tests to track your menstrual cycle and understand your most fertile window.

50 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

Increase your chances of getting pregnant by using our cheap ovulation test kits. Midstream ovulation tests are easy to use and do not require you to use a urine collection cup. Fertility2Famiy is an Australian-owned and operated company that has helped support women worldwide for over ten years with affordable fertility products.

This pack of 50 x ovulation mid-stream tests means you can test from anywhere and as often as you like. Our ovulation instream tests are individually packaged, quality-assured, and reliable.

When you’re trying to conceive, knowing your most fertile window and when you will ovulate will help increase your chances of falling pregnant.

Ovulation Tests instructions
Buy bulk Ovulation Tests from Fertility2Family, 
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How do Ovulation tests work?

Ovulation tests detect the drastic or sudden increase in luteinising hormone (LH) in your urine before ovulation. The sudden increase in LH in your urine is called your LH surge. Using an ovulation predictor kit to detect your most fertile window allows you to time intercourse and increase your chances of falling pregnant.

After ovulation, you have 6 to 24 hours for fertilisation of an egg. For this reason, you need to understand your body cycle to help increase the chances of becoming pregnant; studies have shown that ovulation tests are the most accurate and least invasive way to detect your fertile window.

How to use an Ovulation Midstream Test

We want you to feel confident using our Fertility2Family OPK & ovulation midstream tests. This is why we provided easy-to-use Ovulation Test instructions for every order available for download and emailed you directly.

Our ovulation test instructions cover how to use the OPK, how to use the instream ovulation test and the right time to start testing for an LH surge in your menstrual cycle.

Each LH tests come in a sealed pouch. You must remove the test device from the pouch to use our product. The next step is to remove the cap to expose the absorbent tip. Do not touch the absorbent end. Instead, hold the stick using a thumb grip with the absorbent tip facing downwards. Urinate on the absorbent tip until it is wet. Recap the device and put the Test stick on a flat surface. Make sure the window is facing up.

How to interpret the results of the Ovulation Predictor kit

A positive result (LH Surge) can be observed in about 40 seconds. You will notice the dye moving up the test. A positive ovulation test is when there are two colour lines, and the test line will be darker or equal to the control line. A positive ovulation predictor kit signifies that you are most likely to ovulate within the next 12-36 hours.

On the other hand, a negative result needs a complete reaction of about 10 minutes. You will know a negative (no LH Surge) when you see one colour band appearing on the control region or when the test line is lighter than the control line.

Ovulation midstream Test
The Best Ovulation Tests in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 as rated by Australians on

Basal Body Thermometer

A basal body thermometer can help you track your menstrual cycle and detect your peak fertile window when trying to conceive. The basal thermometer picks up tiny changes in your body temperature, and these small changes occur with the shift in your hormones. Detecting ovulation and timing intercourse will help you get pregnant fast. Purchase one separately today to learn more about your menstrual cycle and when you have ovulated.

Purchase our ovulation thermometer separately to detect when you have ovulated and understand your menstrual cycle. 
Weight 0.01 kg

1 review for 50 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Before using these tests i had no idea when i was ovulating each month. These tests made it so much easier, and i dont think we would have got our postive pregnancy test so soon without using them.
    So glad we decided to give them a go!
    Got us pregnant so much sooner!
    reliable, easy to use, early detection, cheap price! and got us pregnant!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do Ovulation mid-stream tests work?

They work by measuring the level of luteinising hormone found in your urine. When LH levels increase or rise, your ovary releases an egg (mature oocyte). A positive result indicates that you will likely ovulate within the next 12 to 36 hours.

When should I take an ovulation test?

Fertility2Family recommends that you use the chart on the instructions to help determine your cycle length and what day you should begin testing for an LH surge. If you are unsure which day of your cycle length, you can start testing from day 11 (CD11) and perform one midstream a day for five days or until you get a positive ovulation test.

How long after a positive OPK are you fertile?

A positive result after taking the test shows that you will ovulate in the next 12 to 36 hours.

How accurate are ovulation midstream tests?

Fertility2Family home ovulation tests are 99% accurate when they are using following the instructions. Fertility2Family provide midstream and opk tests to be used at home to pick up your most fertile window. Our Test kits are the best ovulation test available and allow you to test as often as possible without worrying about cost or missing your peak Ovulation window.

Can I use an ovulation test to see if I am pregnant?

The short answer is yes. Ovulation tests can also detect pregnancy, but we do not recommend it as an effective way of testing for pregnancy. Our urine test kit can also detect pregnancy because the luteinising hormone and the pregnancy hormone known as hCG are molecularly the same. The best way to know if you are pregnant is by use of a home pregnancy test.

Do you provide bulk ovulation test kits?

We provide a mid-stream ovulation predictor kit tailored to fit your fertility journey. Whether you need 10, 20, or even 200 Test kits, we are ready to support you through your journey.

Do Ovulation tests expire?

A mid-stream ovulation test kit contains antibodies that help detect the presence of the luteinising hormone (LH) in your urine. The antibodies degrade over time, making the tests less accurate and using the tests after the expiry date makes the results unreliable. Fertility2Family strives to provide an expiry period of 20 months or more on all our tests.

How do I know when I ovulate?

Our LH mid-stream tests come with instructions that discuss frequently asked questions such as the right time to take the ovulation tests, know when you are ovulating, and how to read the Test results. Ovulation usually occurs 12 to 36 hours after receiving a positive result. Our OPK is the best tool to help you get pregnant fast.

Detailed Instructions - Discreet, Fast Shipping Australia-wide - Australian ovulation Tests

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