Basal Thermometers

Best Selling Basal Thermometers


Predicting your ovulation and fertility window is a significant first step for those trying to conceive. A basal thermometer, also known as an ovulation thermometer, can take the stress away from trying to predict when the best time to try to conceive. It does this by tracking and determining when you are ovulating and when your most fertile window occurs. Check out the highly sensitive and accurate basal thermometers from Fertility2Family.

Our affordable basal body temperature thermometers provide you with accurate temperature readings so you can easily calculate your date of ovulation. Knowing and taking note of your basal body temperature regularly can help with your conception journey.

Track Ovulation With a Basal Thermometer

Basal body temperature (BBT) is a medical term that means your lowest body temperature at rest. When you are using your basal thermometer for ovulation, it’s essential to take your temperature first thing in the morning. This is when your body is most relaxed. Your temperature changes throughout your menstrual cycle, and this can be an indication of ovulation. 

Basal thermometers give more accurate temperature readings than normal household thermometers and can detect minor body temperature changes. During ovulation, basal body temperature rises by 0.2°C (0.4F). Using a basal thermometer to track this change allows you to monitor your ovulation. For this reason, a basal thermometer is sometimes referred to as an ovulation thermometer in Australia. At Fertility2Family, any basal thermometer you buy is accurate to 0.01°C. Please visit our blog for more information and advice on how to detect ovulation with a basal thermometer.

The Benefits of Basal Thermometers

One of the major benefits of a basal thermometer is its ability to provide consistent, precise readings, which are vital in identifying the subtle temperature shift that indicates ovulation. To get the most accurate results, you should maintain a consistent routine of taking your temperature at the same time each morning before getting out of bed or engaging in any activity.

By charting your temperatures daily, you’ll start to notice a pattern over time – a lower temperature phase before ovulation and a higher temperature phase after. This shift is due to the hormone progesterone, which is released after an egg is released. The process of charting BBT can offer you a clearer picture of your menstrual cycle, allowing you to predict your most fertile days in future cycles.

With Fertility2Family’s basal thermometers, accurate to 0.01°C, you have a powerful, precise tool to support your journey to conception. Check out our blog for more detailed advice on tracking ovulation.

Order a Basal Thermometer Online

Our easy-to-use basal body thermometers can be purchased online from the comfort and privacy of your home. They are packaged and shipped in Australia discreetly through Australia Post, or through Express Post for an additional $12.00 or Registered Post for $9.00.

Fertility2Family’s basal thermometers are also available to buy in our fertility test home kits, so you can purchase everything you need to begin trying to conceive at a great value price. Shop today, and for any more information, get in touch with us.

Basal Thermometers FAQ

What is the Difference Between a BBT and a Normal Thermometer?
A basal body temperature (BBT) thermometer and a normal (or “fever”) thermometer are used for different purposes and have varying degrees of sensitivity. A BBT thermometer measures your basal body temperature, which is the body’s temperature at rest. It’s often used in fertility tracking because a woman’s BBT can rise slightly after ovulation. BBT thermometers are designed to measure very slight changes in temperature, typically to within 1/100th of a degree. A normal or fever thermometer, on the other hand, is used to detect fever by measuring body temperature to within 1/10th of a degree. This is usually sufficient for detecting fever but may not be sensitive enough to accurately track the small changes in BBT used for fertility tracking. If you’re using temperature tracking as part of your fertility and ovulation tracking, a BBT thermometer provides more precise readings.
When Should I Start Using a Basal Body Thermometer?
You should start using a basal body thermometer from the first day of your menstrual cycle, which is the first day of your period, and continue every day throughout your cycle to accurately track your basal body temperature changes.
Are Basal Body Thermometers Accurate?
Yes, basal body thermometers are accurate for tracking subtle changes in BBT when used correctly. They are designed to measure temperature with precision, typically to within 1/100th of a degree, allowing for detailed monitoring of BBT throughout your menstrual cycle. Consistent and proper usage is important to maintain accuracy. Our products come with simple and detailed instructions, so you can easily use BBTs in your fertility journey.
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