We’re here with you every step of the way

These product and service FAQs will answer all your questions about fertility and ovulation. Want to know more about our products? Or maybe fertility, ovulation and pregnancy information in general? Or just want the best advice about cheap fertility products in Australia?

What payment options do you offer?

We offer Direct Deposit, PayPal, Credit Card and AfterPay / ZIP payment options.

The best way to get in contact with us?

Via our contact us page or directly emailing us at or giving us a call on 0409015244

What are your bank details for bank deposit payments?

BSB: 083004
Acct No: 734483072
Bank: National Australia Bank
Account name: Fertility2Family

Please ensure you leave your name and order number as a reference.

Why are your fertility and ovulation tests so cheap?

We buy our Australian ovulation tests in bulk directly from the manufacturer, which means we can pass on cheap ovulation and pregnancy tests directly to you.

Are Fertility2Family tests as good as tests you can buy from the chemist?

While they are cheap, all our tests – ovulation and fertility – are of the same quality you would find in any Australian chemist. You can read feedback/reviews from our customers.

Pregnancy Test FAQs

How do the tests work?

The Pregnancy Strip Tests work by detecting the levels of the pregnancy hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) in your urine at a level of 10mIU/ml.

When can I start testing?

There’s no need to wait until you have missed your period to begin testing. You can test as early as seven days past ovulation, or 5-7 days before an expected period. When testing early, use first-morning urine for best results.

What should I do if I get a positive pregnancy test result?
Please make an appointment to see your doctor to confirm the pregnancy and begin your prenatal care.

What if I get a negative result?

A negative result indicates that the hCG hormone was not detected in your urine, and you are probably not pregnant. If your period is late, we suggest you re-test, and if this test is also negative, we suggest you contact your doctor.

The “Test Line” is not as dark as the “Control Line,” am I pregnant?”

Yes, you can assume you are pregnant even if a very light test/control line is detected on your pregnancy test.

Ovulation Test FAQs

How do the tests work?

Our sensitive Ovulation Tests work by detecting the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine at a level of 25mIU/ml. Before you ovulate, a significant surge of LH will be present

When should I begin testing?

First, you must determine the length of your menstrual cycle. This is the number of days from the first day of your menstrual bleeding to the day before your next bleeding begins again.  Please refer to the instructions below to determine when you should start testing Midstream Ovulation Test Instructions and Ovulation Strip Test Instructions

What should I do if I have a very light “Test Line” on my ovulation test?

This may mean you are coming up to your LH surge or coming down from it. It is possible to get a very light line on your test at any stage during your cycle. It is only considered positive if it’s the same darkness as the Control line.

Ovulation tests in Sydney and pregnancy tests

Using Ovulation Test Strips to Detect Your Most Fertile Time Shipping & Returns FAQ

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