10 x Ovulation Strip Tests


Buy Ovulation Strip Tests and take the guesswork out of pinpointing when you’re ovulating. Fast discreet shipping in Australia & worldwide



10 x Ovulation Strip Tests

Today, many couples are using ovulation strip tests to increase their chances of getting pregnant, and you can use them too. We provide high-quality ovulation strip tests that take the guesswork out by pinpointing your ovulation days. Knowing your fertile days will make you better positioned to time sex for pregnancy.

Our ovulation predictor kits (OPK) are specially designed with our clients in mind. We package them individually to promote functionality and ensure their quality is assured. Besides, they are affordable, meaning you can test as many times as you want without financial stress. For instance, this 10 x pack of ovulation tests will let you detect your fertile window during your cycle. 

So, if you desire to hold a baby in your arms soon, you can be sure our ovulation test will help you accomplish that. All you have to do is get these 10 x cheap and easy-to-use test strips and increase your chances of conceiving.

Ovulation Tests instructions
The Best Ovulation Tests in 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 as rated by Australians on ProductReview 
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How do ovulation strip tests work?

Our ovulation tests work by detecting luteinising hormone levels in the urine. When a woman is about to ovulate, the levels of LH spike to push the egg to its final maturity stages. Experts call this luteinising spike LH surge, which precedes ovulation for about 36 hours.

So if you test and the results show that your levels of LH are high, you should consider having sex during that period. Generally, you will need to have sex 48 hours before it occurs. Since an ovulation test kit can detect an LH surge within 12-36 hours before you ovulate, your chances of conceiving will be high.

How do I use the ovulation tests?

All the ovulation test kits we provide have easy-to-read ovulation test instructions, so be sure to read through them to avoid making mistakes. The good news is that the instructions are simple, so you won’t have difficulty testing. Here are some general instructions to consider to get reliable results.

Avoid using the first-morning urine for the test because the luteinising hormone is synthesised early in the morning. This means it will not be noticed in the urine until later. The most suitable time to collect urine for the test is between 10 am to 8 pm, so choose your regular time depending on your schedule.

Collect urine in a clean and dry container at about the same time every day. Minimise your fluid intake for approximately two hours before collecting the urine. If the sample urine is diluted, detecting the LH surge won’t be easy, even if you are about to ovulate.

To test, open the strip test pack and take one strip. Hold the kit with the arrows pointing towards the container with urine. Put the strip vertically into the urine for about 15 seconds and make sure the urine doesn’t go above the indicated maximum level line.

Pull the test strip from the sample urine and put it on a flat, clean surface. Wait for the coloured bands to appear. If the urine specimen has high LH concentrations, you should be able to view positive results even in 40 seconds. But the results should be read at 10 minutes, mainly if they are negative.

How many times a day should I ovulation test?
How many times a day should I take an ovulation test?

When is the best time to start testing?

Understanding the length of your menstruation cycle is one of the best ways to know when to test. If your cycle is longer, you will likely ovulate later than average, and women with short cycles tend to ovulate earlier than average. Also, knowing the dates of your last period will come in handy.

Consider starting your tests approximately two days before the expected ovulation date. Those unsure about their ovulation dates should use ovulation calculator charts or fertility applications to know when ovulation is likely to start. If you have irregular cycles, you must test according to your earliest and latest expected ovulation dates. This means you must have several ovulation test strips at hand for convenience.

How to read the ovulation test results

Our ovulation predictor kits come with two lines. One is the control line which lets users know if the test is working as expected. The other line is the test line that’s meant to show the results of the LH surge. If the test line is darker than the control line, then your levels of the luteinising hormone are spiking. This is the best time to start having baby-making sex.

To help you increase your chances of predicting your ovulation, one rule of thumb is to test severally. For instance, if you test for five days, your chances of predicting ovulation will be 80%, and you will have a 95% chance of predicting ovulation if you test for ten days.

What is considered a positive ovulation test?
What is considered a positive ovulation test?

Frequently asked questions

Why is it important to know my cycle length?

The ovulation timing usually varies according to the length of your cycle. Therefore, if you want to know your most fertile days, you will need to understand how your body and cycle work. You can quickly determine your cycle length by counting days from the first day of your period to the next time the period starts again. It’s advisable to have this information before you begin using the ovulation strip tests. Remember that cycles vary from one woman to another, and the general cycle length is between 23 to 35 days.

What is the difference between fertile days and ovulation?

Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary within the reproductive system. This process happens between 12 to 16 days before the next period begins, and women are most fertile a day before ovulation and on the ovulation day. 

Fertile days are specific days in a woman’s menstrual cycle when she can become pregnant after having unprotected sex. Since sperm can survive for several days in the woman’s body, every woman has about six fertile days on each cycle – the ovulation date and five days before ovulation.

What should I do if I make a mistake while doing the ovulation test?

If you notice that you have not followed the instructions when taking an ovulation test, you should consider testing again. Simply get another ovulation test kit and use the same urine sample to repeat your test. However, if you do not have the urine sample, you can wait a few hours and repeat the test. This way, you will ensure the level of LH hormones in the urine isn’t diluted. Ensure you do not drink excessive amounts of liquid before taking another test. 

To avoid making another mistake, you should reread the instructions. If you test and get a negative result, then be sure to test again tomorrow at the same time. Do not be tempted to wait to test the following day because you could miss detecting the fertile days.

What tips should I consider to increase the chances of conceiving?

As you try to identify your most fertile days to have baby-making sex at the right time, you can also consider other tips to improve the probability of getting pregnant. Experts recommend taking folic acid, getting physical check-ups, getting enough exercise, and boosting your nutrition. You should also be mindful of your medication, avoid infections, and ensure you don’t get too stressed at work.

Benefits of using urine collection cups

Using Fertility2Family urine collection cups, which are available with every pregnancy test strip and selected fertility test kits for free, using urine collection cups makes testing cleaner and easier. The cups are available in packs of 10,20 to 200 and can be bought without early-detection pregnancy kits or ovulation predictor kits (OPKS).

  • You can purchase extra disposable urine collection cups in packs of 10 – 200
  • Each urine collection cup has a handle which makes collecting a sample easier.
  • Deep 40ml cups allow you to collect enough urine samples for multiple testing.
  • Compatible with all test strips, whether the Dip & read LH tests, hCG and even the Instream pregnancy test.
  • Lowers the chances of false positives and false negatives with contamination
These disposable collection cups make testing for pregnancy tests and OPKs much easier and cleaner.

Ovulation Test Strip Instructions

Weight 0.01 kg


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