If you are trying to conceive or starting to explore the fertility journey, you know everyday matters. For instance, you must keep track of your fertile window days, and 11 DPO is no exception. Time the intercourse to match the ovulation days, and even take a pregnancy test. And though all pregnancies are different, the days that follow successful fertilisation are essential since this is when the egg is implanted into the uterine lining, and pregnancy technically starts.
Not many women experience pregnancy symptoms immediately, but some show signs of pregnancy as early as six days after ovulation (6 DPO). Since the pregnancy test requires you to wait about two weeks for the pregnancy hormones to build up and be detected, it’s essential to familiarise yourself with the early signs of pregnancy that could appear earlier than a home pregnancy test can detect.
This post will examine what happens to your body at eleven days past ovulation (11 DPO) and the changes most women experience before having a missed period.
What’s 11 DPO?
Timing is everything when you are trying to conceive, and the day past ovulation is no exception. 11 DPO is a term that is used to refer to 11 days past ovulation or a time when the body is starting to ramp up the production of the hormones Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, and oestrogen.
Together these hormones produce the early signs or symptoms of pregnancy and assist many women in watching for changes to know if their trying to conceive (TTC) effort was a success before the missed period.
What are the most popular 11 DPO signs?
The successful implantation of a fertilised egg in a woman’s uterus lining takes 6-12 days after ovulation. Right after implantation, more hCG hormones are produced, the primary hormone responsible for early pregnancy symptoms, and hCG is the hormone that the best pregnancy tests look for. As this hormone rises, many women start to experience specific early pregnancy signs even though they haven’t missed a period. Some of the common pregnancy symptoms one experiences eleven days past ovulation are outlined below:
Cramping at 11 days past ovulation
Your gut health can be affected significantly by decreasing pregnancy hormones. This usually results in changes in digestion which increase your chances of cramping. Other than the gut changes, some women experience uterine cramping due to implantation. Usually, this pain from the uterine contractions resembles period cramps, and confusing them with menstruation is easy.
If you are experiencing cramping, consider consuming food with lots of fibre and water. Be sure to limit any gas-causing or carbonated food items throughout the cramping period.
Sensitive breasts at 11 DPO
Breast tissue changes are expected during pregnancy, right from the early stages. If the hormone levels continue to increase, you will notice that the breast feels swollen and sore. This is a byproduct of increased fluid retention and blood flow, making the breast tissue extremely sensitive, feel heavier, and increase in size.
Urinating frequently at 11 DPO
Frequent urination is another effect you may experience due to the increased blood flow. The kidneys are designed to produce 25% more urine right after you conceive, and the rates increase near the end of the first trimester. Frequent urination also signifies that the womb is growing due to pregnancy. As the uterus grows, the bladder is subjected to more pressure making you feel like you want to urinate often.
Severe headache at 11 DPO
Increasing hormone levels and blood volume changes can cause headaches during the first trimester. You are also likely to experience other factors like severe fatigue and stress during the early days of the pregnancy, which also cause headaches. Headaches are common during the first trimester, and many factors come into play. For instance, you could have low blood sugar, be dehydrated, or have a reaction due to reduced caffeine consumption.
Implantation bleeding at 11 DPO
Whenever a fertilised egg gets attached to the uterus lining, it may cause implantation bleeding. But not all women experience this kind of bleeding, and even for those that do, the amount of bleeding may vary.
Implant bleeding usually occurs when you may be expecting your next period, so you could mistake it for periods, particularly if they are accompanied by cramping.
Nonetheless, implantation bleeding is not heavy, and you can easily miss it. If you notice bleeding around 11 DPO and are sure of the pregnancy, do not hesitate to visit your doctor immediately.
Morning sickness at 11 days past ovulation
Vomiting and nausea, also known as morning sickness, is another early symptom you may experience if you are pregnant. Some women experience nausea throughout their expectancy period, while others only experience it during the first trimester. If you realise certain odours or smells trigger you and feel nauseous, it could mean that you are expectant.
Some women experience additional signs at 11 DPO, like excessive fatigue, increased basal body temperature, and an elevated resting heart rate.
What should you do if you have no symptoms eleven days past ovulation?
11 DPO is too early for most women to feel any pregnancy symptoms. Most of what women feel is often similar to menstrual symptoms. But if you are at 11 DPO and do not have any symptoms, it does not mean you haven’t conceived.
What’s more, if you have done a pregnancy test at 11 DPO and got a big fat negative (BFN), your body has not produced enough hCG to attain the pregnancy test’s threshold. Whether you want to do a pregnancy test at 11 DPO to get some peace of mind, or you’re having symptoms but getting a negative result, you may need to wait several days before you check again.
When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?
According to experts, waiting at least 12 days after ovulation gives you a higher chance of testing positive if you are pregnant. If you want more certainty, then it’s advisable to wait until you miss your period. The more you wait, the more sure you will be of your pregnancy test results.
What does getting a BFP at 11 DPO mean?
The pregnancy test kits in the market today are 99% accurate when used correctly. So if you do a test at 11DPO and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, you will likely get a BFP, meaning you are pregnant. Repeat the test or visit your healthcare provider to confirm the results.
What does getting BFN at 11 DPO mean?
Sometimes your body may not have reached the required hCG hormone level for a home pregnancy test at 11dpo. If you do a pregnancy test, you will likely get a big fat negative. This does not mean you are not pregnant or the test was taken incorrectly. If you get a negative result at 11 DPO, you should consider testing again after several days. If you get another negative, you should consider waiting until the day your period is scheduled to come. Some people also wait to see if they will have a missed period instead of taking a pregnancy test.
What’s the accuracy of a pregnancy test at 11 DPO?
The accuracy of any pregnancy test at eleven days past ovulation is determined by several factors, including the hCG levels in your body to place the home pregnancy test kit usage.
The best time to do your test is early morning, right after you wake up. Also, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get 99% accuracy.
Some illnesses or medications can affect the pregnancy test results at 11 DPO, leading to false negatives or positives. Therefore, if you see a negative result at 11 DPO, it could be because you tested incorrectly, haven’t conceived, took the test too early, or your medication interferes with the results.
Paying close attention to the key symptoms and signs your body experiences is essential if you are trying to get pregnant. Of course, you can visit your doctor to confirm whether you’re pregnant or experiencing the 11 DPO symptoms we outlined above.
Evan Kurzyp
Evan is the founder of Fertility2Family and is passionate about fertility education & providing affordable products to help people in their fertility journey. Evan is a qualified Registered Nurse and has expertise in guiding & managing patients through their fertility journeys.