The Fertility2Family Ovulation predictor kit (OPK) is a fast and easy-to-use method of predicting ovulation. Studies have shown that fertility kits are the least invasive and most accurate way to find your most fertile window! During this window, pregnancy is most likely to occur. The Fertility2Family Ovulation Test Strip detects the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge, which occurs 12 to 48 hours before ovulation, signalling the best time to have intercourse to achieve pregnancy.
When to Begin Testing for Ovulation?
First, you must determine the length of your menstrual cycle. This is the number of days from the first day of your menstrual bleeding to the day before your next bleeding begins again. Please refer to the chart below to determine when you should start testing.
If your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 38 days, consult your doctor. If you do not know your cycle length, you may begin testing 11 days after your first period, as the average cycle length is 28 days. Perform 1 test each day over five days or until the LH surge has been detected.
Urine Collection for testing
- Collect urine in a small urine collection cup.
- Do not use a first-morning urine sample, as LH is normally made in your body early in the morning.
- The best time to collect your urine is 10 am-8 pm.
- Collect urine at approximately the same time each day.
- Reduce liquid intake approximately 2 hours before collecting your urine, as a diluted sample can prevent the ovulation test from detecting your LH surge.
Ovulation Test Strip Instructions
1. Allow the sealed ovulation predictor kit pouch and your urine sample to reach room temperature (18-30 degrees).
2. Remove the OPK device from the sealed pouch.
3. Immerse the OPK into the urine collection cup with the arrow end pointing towards the urine. Do not immerse past the MAX (MAXIMUM) line. Take the strip out after 15 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface.
Interpretation The Ovulation Test Results
While waiting for your results, you may notice a coloured solution moving across the windows. This is normal. Positive ovulation results may be observed in as short as 40 seconds. However, a complete reaction time of 10 minutes is required to confirm negative results. To determine your results, compare the colour intensity of the test line to the control line as follows:
Negative Ovulation Test: (No LH surge) Only one colour band appears on the control region, or the test line is lighter than the control line.
Positive OPK: (LH Surge) If two colour lines are visible and the test line is equal to or darker than the control line, you will likely ovulate in the next 12-48 hours.
Invalid Ovulation Test: The test is invalid if a control line does not appear. Insufficient specimen volume or incorrect test performance is the most likely reason. This can be caused by not holding the test strip in the urine for at least 5 seconds or dipping past the MAX line. Repeat the test with a new kit and use the Ovulation Test Instructions.
Ovulation Predictor Kit FAQs
The OPK Test Line is not as dark as the Control Line. Am I ovulating?
Unlike pregnancy tests, ovulation test strips are not considered positive unless the test line is as dark as the control line.
What should I do if I have a very light Test Line on my ovulation test?
This may mean you are coming up to your LH surge or coming down from it. Getting a very light line on your test at any stage during your cycle is possible. It is only considered positive if it is as dark or darker than the control line.
Read more about the signs of ovulation and when you are most fertile.
Will the amounts of liquid I drink affect the result?
Yes, a large intake of fluids before testing will dilute the luteinising hormone in your urine. Limiting your fluid intake about two hours before performing the test is recommended.
How long will the OPK line remain visible?
For best results, ovulation Test results should be read at 5 – 10 minutes. A positive result will never disappear. The line’s colour may become darker, and a tinted background may appear after several hours. Some negative results may later display a faint test line due to evaporation from the testing zone. Therefore, you should not read the results after 10 minutes and discard the test once you have read the result.
When should you have intercourse after LH surge?
Ovulation is likely to occur within 12 to 48 hours. As this is your most fertile time, sexual intercourse is recommended if you are trying to conceive.
How accurate is the Fertility2Family Ovulation Test Strip?
The Fertility2Family Ovulation Test Strip has been proven more than 99% accurate in laboratory studies. Our Ovulation Test Strip’s sensitivity to luteinising hormone (LH) is 25mIU/ml of urine.
I use a basal body temperature (BBT) thermometer to determine ovulation. Do Fertility2Family Ovulation Tests replace the need for BBT tracking?
The shift in BBT primarily indicates ovulation has already occurred, whereas the Fertility2Family Ovulation Test Strip indicates that ovulation is about to occur, and thus we recommend using these two methods in conjunction. You can buy your Basal Body Temperature Thermometer here.
How do I know if I am pregnant?
Complete a Fertility2Family Pregnancy Test. These tests are so sensitive, you can begin testing seven days before your period is due! You can buy Fertility2Family Pregnancy Tests here. Although testing can commence immediately after ovulation, pregnancy detection becomes more reliable at or after the first day of the missed period.
I received an ovulation-positive result and had intercourse during these fertile days, but I have not become pregnant. What shall I do?
Many factors can affect your ability to become pregnant. It can take normal, healthy couples many months to achieve a pregnancy. We recommend continuing the use of Fertility2Family Ovulation Tests, and if pregnancy is not achieved within 6 to 12 months, contact your doctor.
What type of container can I use to collect urine?
Any clean container can be used to collect urine. You can purchase our specific urine collection cups, which are great to use with LH predictor kits and home pregnancy tests.
Ovulation Test Instructions
Each pouch contains one ovulation test strip and one desiccant.
Ovulation Tests are Stored at normal room temperature (4-25⁰C) up to expiration. The test (OPK) should be kept from direct sunlight, moisture and heat. Do not freeze. Shelf life is 18 months.
- As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive diagnostic should not be based on a single test result but should be made by a doctor after evaluating all clinical and laboratory findings.
- Read Ovulation Kit Instructions for use carefully before performing this Ovulation Test. Pay attention to the position of the Test and Control line on the ovulation strip test.
- Do not use the OPK beyond the labelled expiry date.
- You reuse the LH predictor kit devices. Discard the product after a single use.
- Do not touch the membrane located within the test panel.
- Do not use the LH Strip test if the pouch is damaged or open.
- Ovulation Test should be used immediately after opening the pouch. Prolonged exposure to ambient humidity will cause product deterioration.
- Treat urine samples and used devices as if they are potentially infectious. Avoid contact.
- Discard the desiccant safely.
- Some medications can affect the result of the Ovulation predictor kits. Please consult your healthcare professional if you are taking any medications.
Buy our Ovulation Tests in packs of:
200 x Ovulation Strip Tests + 200 x Strip Test Collection Cups
Ovulation Strip Tests Instructions also available for download
Our Midstream Ovulation Test Instructions
Read our customer reviews on our Pregnancy Strip tests, Midstream Pregnancy tests, Ovulation Strip tests, Midstream Ovulation tests & Basal Body Thermometer (BBT)
Evan Kurzyp
Evan is the founder of Fertility2Family and is passionate about fertility education & providing affordable products to help people in their fertility journey. Evan is a qualified Registered Nurse and has expertise in guiding & managing patients through their fertility journeys.