Midstream Ovulation Test Instructions

Key Facts

  • Fertility2Family Midstream Ovulation Test detects the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge, indicating optimal timing for conception.
  • Begin testing based on your menstrual cycle length; start 11 days after your period if cycle length is unknown.
  • Follow specific instructions for using the test, including proper handling and urination technique.
  • Interpret results by comparing the test line to the control line; a positive result indicates ovulation within 12-48 hours.
  • Limit fluid intake before testing to avoid diluting LH levels in urine, ensuring accurate results.
  • Consult a doctor if pregnancy is not achieved within 6-12 months after positive tests, as various factors can affect fertility.

The Fertility2Family Midstream Ovulation Test is a fast and easy-to-use method of predicting ovulation. The test detects the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge, which occurs 12 to 48 hours before ovulation, signalling the best time to have intercourse to achieve pregnancy.

Ovulation Tests instructions
How soon after a positive ovulation test do you ovulate?

When to Begin Testing for Ovulation

In order to benefit from ovulation testing, you need to understand the timing of your menstrual cycle.

To start with, you must determine the length of your cycle. This is the number of days from the first day of your menstrual bleeding to the day before your next bleeding begins again. Please refer to the chart below to determine when you should start testing.

If your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 38 days, consult your doctor. If you do not know your cycle length, you may begin testing 11 days after your first period, as the average cycle length is 28 days. Perform 1 test each day over a 5-day period or until the LH surge has been detected.

ovulation and menstrual cycle table
When to start testing with Midstream Ovulation Tests

Midstream Ovulation Test Instructions

Always be sure to read the instructions that accompany the ovulation test carefully before use.

  1. Remove the Midstream Ovulation Test device from the sealed pouch.
  2. Remove the cap to expose the absorbent tip, avoiding contact with the absorbent end.
  3. Hold the stick by the thumb grip with the exposed absorbent tip pointing downward. Urinate onto the absorbent tip only until it is thoroughly wet.
  4. Recap the device and lay the test stick down on a flat surface with the window facing up.

Interpretation of Midstream Ovulation Results

While you are waiting for your results, you may notice a coloured solution moving across the windows. This is normal. Positive results may be observed in as short as 40 seconds. However, to confirm negative results, a complete reaction time of 10 minutes is required. To determine your results, compare the colour intensity of the test line to the control line as follows:

Negative: (No LH surge) Only one colour band appears on the control region, or the test line is lighter than the control line.

Positive: (LH Surge) If two colour lines are visible and the test line is equal to or darker than the control line, you will likely ovulate in the next 12-48 hours.

Invalid: If a control line does not appear, the test is invalid. Insufficient specimen volume or incorrect test performance is the most likely reason. Repeat the test with a new Midstream test kit.

ovulation test results
Interpretation of results on our Ovulation Midstream test

Midstream Ovulation Tests FAQs

The test line is not as dark as the control line. Am I ovulating?

Unlike pregnancy tests, ovulation predictor tests (OPK) are not considered to be positive unless the test line is as dark as the control line.

What Should I Do if I Have a Very Light Test Line on My Midstream Ovulation Test?

This may mean you are coming up to your LH surge or coming down from it. It is possible to get a very light line on your test at any stage during your cycle. It is only considered positive if it is as dark or darker than the control line.

To help increase your chances of conception, read more about how to predict ovulation and know your fertile signs.

Will the Amount of Liquid I Drink Affect the Result?

Yes, a large intake of fluids before testing will dilute the luteinising hormone in your urine. It is recommended you limit your fluid intake two hours before performing the test.

When Should I Read the Results?

For best results, ovulation test results should be read at 5 – 10 minutes. A positive result will never disappear, but the colour of the line may become darker, and a tinted background may appear after several hours. As a result, it’s recommended that you discard the test after the 10 minute mark.

Once I See a Positive Result, When Is the Best Time to Have Intercourse?

Ovulation is likely to occur within 12 to 48 hours. As this is your most fertile time, sexual intercourse is recommended if you are trying to conceive.

How Accurate Is the Fertility2Family Midstream Ovulation Test?

In laboratory studies, the Fertility2Family Ovulation Test has been proven to be greater than 99% accurate. Our Midstream Ovulation Tests sensitivity to luteinising hormone (LH)  of 25mIU/ml

I Use a Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Thermometer to Determine Ovulation. Do Fertility2Family Midstream Ovulation Tests Replace the Need for BBT Tracking?

The shift in BBT is another indication that ovulation has occurred. We recommend using these two methods in conjunction to increase the amount of information at your disposal. You can buy your Basal Body Temperature Thermometer here.

How Do I Know if I Am Pregnant?

Complete a Fertility2Family Pregnancy Test. These tests are so sensitive you can begin testing 7 days before your period is even due! Although testing can commence immediately after ovulation, pregnancy detection becomes more reliable at or after the first day of the missed period.

I Received a Positive Ovulation Test Result and Had Intercourse During the Fertile Window, but I Have Not Become Pregnant. What Should I Do?

Many factors can affect your ability to become pregnant. It can take normal, healthy couples many months to achieve a pregnancy. We recommend continuing the use of Fertility2Family Midstream Ovulation Tests, and if pregnancy is not achieved within 6 to 12 months, contact your doctor.


Each pouch contains one midstream ovulation test and one desiccant.


Stored at normal room temperature (4-25⁰C) up to the expiration date.
The test midstream should be kept from direct sunlight, moisture and heat. Do not freeze. Shelf life is 18 months.


  • As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive diagnostic should not be based on a single test result but should be made by a doctor after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
  • Read the instructions carefully before performing this Midstream LH test. Pay attention to the position of the test and control line on the midstream ovulation test.
  • Do not use it beyond the labelled expiry date.
  • Do not reuse the ovulation test devices. Discard the product after a single-use.
  • Do not touch the membrane located within the test panel.
  • Do not use if the pouch is damaged or open.
  • The device should be used immediately after opening the pouch.
    Prolonged exposure to ambient humidity will cause product deterioration.
  • Treat urine samples and used devices as if they are potentially infectious. Avoid contact.
  • Discard desiccant safely.
  • Some medications can affect the result of an OPK and the LH surge. Please consult your healthcare professional if you are taking any medications.

Fertility2Family is passionate about ensuring that our customers have access to affordable, accurate ovulation tests. We know that the cost of growing your family can quickly add up and with that in mind, aim to offer bulk ovulation test kits at low prices.

Our pregnancy tests are available to purchase in sets of:

1 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

5 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

10 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

20 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

30 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

50 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

100 x Ovulation Mid-Stream Tests

Midstream Ovulation Tests Instructions also available for download.

If you need any further convincing of the quality of our products, read our customer reviews on our Pregnancy Strip tests, Midstream Pregnancy test, Ovulation Strip tests, Midstream Ovulation test & Basal Body Thermometer (BBT)

Ovulation testsOur cheap, easy home OPK lets you detect your monthly LH Surge – the sudden and dramatic increase in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your urine just before you ovulate. LH is the hormone that facilitates ovulation (the release of the egg). When you detect your LH surge with an LH test, you know you are at your most fertile.



Fertility2Family only uses trusted & peer-reviewed sources to ensure our articles’ information is accurate and reliable.

Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center (2021) Luteinizing hormone: Infertility treatment: Australian concept, ACIMC. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

Cleveland Clinic (2022) Menstrual cycle (normal menstruation): Overview & Phases, Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

Department of Health & Human Services Australia (2003) Ovulation and fertility, Better Health Channel Australia. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

Mayo Clinic (2023) Basal body temperature for natural family planning, Mayo Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 02 October 2023).

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Evan Kurzyp

Evan is the founder of Fertility2Family and is passionate about fertility education & providing affordable products to help people in their fertility journey. Evan is a qualified Registered Nurse and has expertise in guiding & managing patients through their fertility journeys.

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