If you’re trying to conceive, it is normal to relate every random craving, pain, or ache with early signs of pregnancy. Waiting for the end of your two-week (TWW) period is the surest way to know if you are pregnant. However, there is still a high chance that symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and cramps may be due to implantation and early pregnancy, which can happen at times as early as six days past ovulation (6 DPO).
Let’s discuss the right time to take a pregnancy test, potential symptoms that you may experience, and what happens to your body at 6 DPO.
What Is Happening to Your Body at 6 DPO?
At 6 DPO (6 days past ovulation), your fertilised egg travels down to your fallopian tube and implants into your uterus. It is easy to detect your pregnancy after the implantation process is complete.
Implantation can occur as early as 6 DPO. However, the whole process can take anywhere between 6-12 days after ovulation to complete. For most women, implantation occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation. One study shows less than 0.5% of women experience implantation six days past ovulation.
If you fit in the minority group and implantation has occurred at early 6 DPO, you need to be aware of several symptoms. Read on.
6 DPO Pregnancy Symptoms
It is vital to remember that most of the symptoms you may experience 6 DPO are very similar to those women experience during the second half of their menstrual cycle. The only way to ensure pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test at the right time.
Cramps at 6 DPO
Implantation cramping is an early pregnancy sign that a small percentage of women experience at 6 DPO. The cramps are similar to menstrual and premenstrual cramps. Most women usually mistake their periods for early pregnancy cramps and vice-versa.
Assuming that you’re pregnant and experiencing cramps at early 6 DPO, it could be because the implantation of your fertilised egg on the uterine lining has started. Also, if you are constantly anxious and stressed about getting pregnant, you may experience digestion issues and abnormal cramps.
If you are stressing over and over-analysing every ache or cramp, you need to take some time out and relax. Find ways to distract yourself to avoid being overwhelmed with unhelpful thoughts.
Nausea at 6 DPO
Nausea is also an early symptom of pregnancy experienced during implantation. In most cases, nausea, indigestion and constipation happen simultaneously. The cause of all this is high oestrogen levels, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Your body starts producing these hormones after implantation.
Don’t confuse nausea six days after ovulation with morning sickness. Morning sickness doesn’t typically begin until weeks 4-9 of pregnancy.
Fatigue at 6 DPO
At the 6 DPO milestone, you may feel extra worn-out, pregnant, and tired. The most likely cause, just like other symptoms, could be hormone fluctuations as your body prepares for a baby.
It would help if you did not keep thinking about feeling tired. However, observing your body and resting when you need to rest is essential.
Tender Breasts at 6 DPO
Breast tenderness is another symptom that some women experience six days after ovulation. Early pregnancy hormones are the most likely cause of breast tenderness. During this time, most women claim that their breasts feel sensitive to touch and swollen.
You should consider several things if you usually don’t experience tender breasts during or before your period. They include avoiding touching your breasts and wearing a comfortable bra.
Food Cravings at 6 DPO
Most women experience food cravings around the time of implantation because of increased pregnancy hormones. Apart from craving sweet or spicy foods, you may find yourself loving foods you usually hate and hating foods you used to love.
It is harmless to give in to cravings. However, you should do so in moderation and ensure you stick to your pre-pregnancy diet for your body to be a healthy and safe place for your baby to thrive.
Can you Test for Pregnancy at 6 DPO?
Unfortunately, you should not test for pregnancy at 6 DPO because it is too early to tell.
There might be a likelihood that implantation has occurred at early 6 DPO. However, a pregnancy hormone, the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), most likely has not reached the required concentration level detectable by a home urine test. It means that you may get a negative result even if you are pregnant, which may cause unnecessary disappointment and stress for you and your partner.
The right thing to do at 6 DPO is to relax, listen to your body, and wait to test a day or two after you miss your period for an accurate result.
6 DPO and Negative Pregnancy Test (BFN)
We are all human, and at times it is normal to let curiosity get the best of us. If you’re this type and decide to take a pregnancy test at 6 DPO, you will most likely receive a BFN. However, you should not be discouraged. There is a high chance that your fertilised egg is still implanting itself in your uterus.
In such a circumstance, you must be patient and know that getting a BFP at 6 DPO with a home pregnancy test is rare. You will be better mentally and emotionally if you wait and do another test in a week or two.
6 DPO and Positive Pregnancy Test (BFP)
There is a slight chance of receiving a BFP at 6 DPO, although it rarely happens. If you are pregnant now, it could be because of increased pregnancy hormones, and you might be carrying a baby. It is too early to tell; the best way is to wait until your missed period to take another at-home test for a more accurate answer.
If you want to get results as soon as possible, visit your doctor. They will run a blood test by measuring the hCG level in your blood. Blood tests are more sensitive than home pregnancy tests and can be taken at early 11-14 DPO. However, doctors recommend blood tests for women undergoing formal fertility treatment and high-risk patients.
What Happens if You Are Pregnant After Ovulation?
Nothing special happens immediately after ovulation assuming conception has already occurred apart from physical signs such as spotting or cramping. The most common time that most women experience pregnancy symptoms is after implantation, which usually occurs 8 to 10 days after ovulation. However, most women notice pregnancy symptoms a week or two after missing their periods.
There is a lot that goes on inside your body after ovulation. During this time, your egg is released into the fallopian tube and fertilised by a viable sperm. The fertilised egg then travels down to the fallopian tube and the uterus, which implants in the uterine lining. For this reason, the window of implantation is complete, typically nine days after ovulation.
You cannot feel implantation symptoms at 6 DPO. It is too early to tell that you’re pregnant at this time. Taking a test will lead to a ”Big Fat Negative” (BFN), which can be discouraging—hormones hCG and progesterone cause symptoms like fatigue, cramping, and nausea.
Some women may experience symptoms as early as 9 to 10 DPO (a few days before starting their period). However, most women experience these signs one to two weeks after missing their periods. If you’re trying to conceive and experience zero signs at 6 DPO, it is not a cause for concern. Take your time and resist the urge to do a test until a week or two after your period.
The fertilised egg, after implantation, is known as an embryo that begins producing hCG. The hormone hCG causes your body to produce more progesterone which prevents your menstrual cycle from starting. Taking a test at this time will lead to a positive result.
Apart from other symptoms, a missed period is a reliable sign of pregnancy. Getting positive results six days after ovulation is unlikely but not impossible. Experts recommend that you wait 10 to 12 after ovulation to do a test because, at this time, the hCG hormone levels are high enough for a home pregnancy test to detect. Remember that hormonal changes vary from one woman to another.
Everyone is different. You should not rely on information from friends to determine if you are pregnant. That someone else found out they are pregnant at 6-12 days after ovulation does not mean that you’re not pregnant. Instead, you should wait to do a test after missing your period to be sure if you are pregnant or not. In case of any problem, you should consult your doctor.
Evan Kurzyp
Evan is the founder of Fertility2Family and is passionate about fertility education & providing affordable products to help people in their fertility journey. Evan is a qualified Registered Nurse and has expertise in guiding & managing patients through their fertility journeys.